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Youth Justice Services
Te Ako Rangatahi

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Te Ako Rangatahi is a dedicated team of enthusiastic and driven youth mentors deeply committed to offering unwavering support to the rangatahi who seek our assistance. We specialise in providing mentoring and supported bail services tailored to meet the unique needs of these young individuals who are currently navigating their involvement with the youth justice system.


Our approach involves the establishment of one-on-one connections between our mentors and rangatahi, culminating in the joint creation of a comprehensive plan that encapsulates the goals they aspire to achieve throughout their time together.

Within our engagement with rangatahi who have come into contact with the court system, our services encompass advocacy, community support, and mentoring. Collaboratively with rangatahi and their whānau, we endeavor to facilitate access to suitable support systems and empower these young individuals to identify the right path in life and chart a course towards it. Throughout all our interactions, we strive to fortify identity through the principles of whakapapa, whanaungatanga, kaitiakitanga and manaakitanga.

Our commitment to providing rangatahi with a mentoring program is grounded in the belief that personalised, intensive support can serve as a catalyst for positive change. We focus on delivering guidance, encouragement, opportunities, and challenges, all aimed at facilitating rangatahi in their pursuit of goals and aspirations. The mentoring program is structured around the creation of an individualised plan, designed to enhance educational and employment prospects, foster greater community engagement, and reduce levels of offending.

Te Ako Rangatahi is driven by a passion to empower rangatahi on their journey toward personal growth and self-improvement. Through a combination of mentorship and supported bail services, we aim to guide these young individuals toward brighter and more promising futures, ensuring they gain access to the opportunities and support they need to break free from the cycle of offending and pursue a path of positive change. Our commitment to identity and community-building, rooted in the values of whakapapa, whanaungatanga, and manaakitanga, underscores our dedication to the holistic well-being of rangatahi, their whānau, and the wider community.

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07 856 5820  |  |  Te Ara Hou, 100 Morrinsville Rd, PO Box 13 117, Hillcrest 3251, Kirikiriroa Hamilton


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